Graphics: Terrain, Foilage, and Sky

Real-time Deformable Terrain Rendering |
Generating Complex Procedural Terrains Using the GPU |
Terrain and Ocean Rendering with Hardware Tesselation |
Large-Scale Terrain Rendering for Outdoor Games |
Destructible Volumetric Terrain |
Dynamic Terrain Rendering on GPU Using Real-Time Tessellation |
GPU-Generated Procedural Wind Animations for Trees |
Vegetation Procedural Animation and Shading in Crysis |
Cached Procedural Textures for Terrain Rendering |
Widgets: Rendering Fast and Persistent Foliage |
2.5 Dimensional Impostors for Realistic Trees and Forrests |
Procedural Level Generation |
Towards Photorealism in Virtual Botany |
Terrain Rendering using GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps |
Accurate Atmospheric Scattering |
Animated Procedural Skies |
Rendering Countless Blades of Waving Grass |
Terrain Occlusion Culling with Horizons |
Procedural Worlds: Avoiding the Data Explosion |
Building a Flexible Terrain Engine for the Future |
Visible Terrain Grid Determination Using the Frustum |
Real-Time Generation and Rendering of 3D Planets |
Pixel Shader Optimizations for Terrain Rendering |
Simple and Efficient Line-of-Sight for 3D Landscapes |
Fast Heightfield Normal Calculation |
Abstract: Heightfields are two-dimensional arrays of height values, commonly used to store terrain or water surface data, and are also commonly used for calculating bump maps. This article will describe how we can take advantage of the special characteristics of heightfield meshes to significantly optimize vertex normal calculation.
Methods for Dynamic, Photorealistic Terrain Lighting |
Abstract: This article will present several methods for producing high-quality, physically based lighting solutions for terrain under dynamic lighting conditions. Topics include: Sunlight (Horizon Angles, Shadow Ellipses, and PTMs), Skylight (Radiosity Approximations and Patches), Animated Cloud Shadows, Video-Based Solutions, and Nonterrain Objects.
Blending Textures For Terrain |
Animated Grass with Pixel and Vertex Shaders |
A High-Performance Tile-based Line-of-Sight and Search System |
Simplified Terrain Using Interlocking Tiles |
Abstract: This article proposes a simple method for interlocking tiles that requires a minimal amount of coding. The technique offers the benefits of dynamically adapting detail levels and animation flexibility. It does this while maintaining a data system that is perfectly suited for hardware transform and lighting.
Rendering Distant Scenery with Skyboxes |
Abstract: Rending distant scenery in 3D can be accomplished with skyboxes. This article explains the principle of skyboxing and describes alternative means for rendering a skyboxed scene.
Real-Time Realistic Terrain Generation |
Fractal Terrain Generation - Fault Formation |
Fractal Terrain Generation - Midpoint Displacement |
Fractal Terrain Generation - Particle Deposition |
Real-Time Animation of Trees |