Graphics: OpenGL

Migration to OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Porting Code between Direct3D9 and OpenGL 2.0 |
Optimizing your first OpenGL ES Applications |
Shaders Gone Mobile Porting from Direct3D 9.0 to Open GL ES 2.0 |
Implementing Graphical Benchmark in OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Shadow Techniques for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
OpenGL ES 2.0: Shaders for Mobile Devices |
Developing a 3D Engine for OpenGL ES v2.0 and OpenGL v2.0 |
OpenGL ES 2.0 Performance Recommendations for Mobile Devices |
Cartoon Fire Effects Using OpenGL ES 2.0 |
High Dynamic Range Rendering Using OpenGL Frame Buffer Objects |
OpenGL Performance Tuning: OpenGL Performance in a Shader-Centric World |
The OpenGL Framebuffer Object Extension |
Image Processing Tricks in OpenGL |
OpenGL 2.0 and New Extensions |
Programming for SLI in OpenGL |
The OpenGL Shading Language |
OpenGL Performance Tuning |
New RenderMonkey features for DirectX and OpenGL Shader Development |
The OpenGL Shading Language on NVIDIA Hardware (GDC2004 OpenGL Tutorial) |
OpenGL 2.0 Update (GDC2004 OpenGL Tutorial) |
New NVIDIA OpenGL Extensions (GDC2004 OpenGL Tutorial) |
Optimizing Vertex Submission for OpenGL |
Abstract: There are a number of functions available for submitting and rendering vertices in OpenGL, which range from the simple immediate mode functions to more complicated multiple vertex functions and vendor-specific extensions. However, teh performance can vary greatly depending on the functionality used. This article provides insight into the tradeoffs of various techniques.