Graphics: Animation and Skinning

DirectX 10 Blend Shapes: Breaking the Limits |
GPU-Generated Procedural Wind Animations for Trees |
Vegetation Procedural Animation and Shading in Crysis |
Animating Vegetation Using GPU Programs |
Large Crowds of Autonomous Animated Characters Using Fragment Shaders and Level of Detail |
Synthesis of Realistic Idle Motion for Interactive Characters |
Morph Target Animation Using DirectXMorph |
Real-Time Character Animation on the GPU |
True-to-Life Real-Time Animation of Shallow Water on Today�s GPUs |
Spline-Based Time Control for Animation |
Hair Animation and Rendering in the Nalu Demo |
Animation in the "Dawn" Demo |
Hardware Skinning with Quaternions |
Hardware Skinning with Quaternions |
Motion Capture Data Compression |
Real-Time Animation of Trees |
Scripted Bodies and Spline-Driven Animation |
Subdivision Surfaces for Character Animation |
Abstract: This article introduces subdivision surfaces as a means of improving the appearance of game characters. First, we will present the different schemes available, focusing on two implementations of subdivision surfaces. Then, we will explore a number of optimization methods based on culling and preprocessing.
Improved Deformation of Bones |
Abstract: This article describes how to avoid joint pinching from typical skinning methods by introducing additional bones at troublesome joints, such as the elbow and knees. By carefully reworking the weighting data to account for these 'links,' we can use the same simple core deformation algorithm and only incur the small additional burden of a few extra bones.
A Framework for Realistic Character Locomotion |
Abstract: This article presents a solution to the foot sliding problem based on adjusting the position of the feet only when they are already in motion. A framework is described for applying this idea to the problem of realistic character animation by using independent modifiers for different parts of a skeleton.
Character Animation with Direct3D Vertex Shaders |
3ds max Skin Exporter and Animation Toolkit |
Classic Super Mario 64 Third-Person Control and Animation |
Abstract: This article will deal with the basic issues of controlling and animating a character from a third-person perspective. While it seems straightforward enough (just copy Super Mario 64), it's not as trivial as it first appears. There are many small nuggets of wisdom that can often take weeks of trial and error to discover.
Interpolated 3D Keyframe Animation |
A Fast and Simple Skinning Technique |
Filling in the Gaps-Advanced Animation Using Stitching and Skinning |