Graphics: Direct3D

Porting Code between Direct3D9 and OpenGL 2.0 |
Practical Thread Rendering for DirectX 9 |
Deferred Shading with Multisampling Anti-Aliasing in DirectX 10 |
Fast Evaluation of Subdivision Surfaces on Direct3D 10 Graphics Hardware |
Post-Tonemapping Resolve for High Quality HDR Antialiasing in D3D10 |
Robust Order-Independent Transparency via Reverse Depth Peeling in DirectX 10 |
Shaders Gone Mobile Porting from Direct3D 9.0 to Open GL ES 2.0 |
AMD DirectX 10 Performance Tools and Techniques |
Morph Target Animation Using DirectXMorph |
Tips and Tricks for D3DX Effects Based Renderer |
Case Study: Designing a Shader Subsystem for a Next-Gen Graphics Engine |
Dynamic Branching on Non-PS3.0 Hardware |
GPU Performance of DirectX 9 Per-Fragment Operations Revisited |
3.0 Shaders (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Optimizing DirectX Graphics (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Advanced in Real-Time Skin Rendering (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Making Pretty Pictures with D3D (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Far Cry and DirectX (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Batching 4EVA (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Direct3D API Issues: Instancing and Floating-Point Specials (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Special Effects in Direct3D (GDC2005 D3D Tutorial) |
Optimizing Dx9 Vertex Shaders for Software Vertex Processing |
Software Shaders and DirectX DLL Implementation |
An Extensible Direct3D Resource Management System |
In-Depth Performance Analyses of DirectX9 Shading Hardware Concerning Pixel Shader and Texture Performance |
New RenderMonkey features for DirectX and OpenGL Shader Development |
Direct3D Shader Models (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Direct3D Optimizations (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Deferred Shading (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Performance Optimization Techniques for ATI Graphics Hardware with DirectX?.0 |
All About Antialiasing (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Optimization for DirectX9 Graphics (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
GPU-Assisted Rendering Techniques (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Optimizations and Star Wars Galaxies (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Real Time Skin Rendering (GDC2004 D3D Tutorial) |
Introduction to the DirectX 9 High Level Shading Language |
Introduction to the vs_3_0 and ps_3_0 Shader Models |
Advanced lighting and shading with Direct3D 9 |
Shadow Mapping with Direct3D 9 |
Advanced Image Processing with DirectX 9 Pixel Shaders |
Image Effects with DirectX 9 Pixel Shaders |