GPU Gems
42 Articles, Edited by Randima Fernando, 2004.
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Natural Effects
Effective Water Simulation from Physical Models |
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Juan Guardado (NVIDIA) and Daniel S�nchez-Crespo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Novarama Technology) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Animation in the "Dawn" Demo |
Implementing Improved Perlin Noise |
Fire in the "Vulcan" Demo |
Rendering Countless Blades of Waving Grass |
Lighting and Shadows
Efficient Shadow Volume Rendering |
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Michael Bunnell (NVIDIA) and Fabio Pellacini (Pixar Animation Studios) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Omnidirectional Shadow Mapping |
Generating Soft Shadows Using Occlusion Interval Maps |
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William Donnelly (University of Waterloo) and Joe Demers (NVIDIA) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Perspective Shadow Maps: Care and Feeding |
Managing Visibility for Per-Pixel Lighting |
Real-Time Approximations to Subsurface Scattering |
Finite-Radius Sphere Environment Mapping |
Image Processing
Depth of Field: A Survey of Techniques |
Fast Filter Width Estimates with Texture Maps |
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Florian Kainz, Rod Bogart, and Drew Hess (Industrial Light & Magic) GPU Gems, 2004. |
A Framework for Image Processing |
Performance and Practicalities
Graphics Pipeline Performance |
Efficient Occlusion Culling |
The Design of FX Composer |
An Introduction to Shader Interfaces |
Converting Production RenderMan Shaders to Real-Time |
Integrating Hardware Shading into Cinema 4D |
Leveraging High-Quality Software Rendering Effects in Real-Time Applications |
Integrating Shaders into Applications |
Beyond Triangles
A Toolkit for Computation on GPUs |
Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU |
Volume Rendering Techniques |
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Milan Ikits (University of Utah), Joe Kniss (University of Utah), Aaron Lefohn (University of California, Davis), and Charles Hansen (University of Utah) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Applying Real-Time Shading to 3D Ultrasound Visualization |