ShaderX6: Advanced Rendering Techniques
44 Articles, Edited by Wolfgang Engel, 2008.
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Geometry Manipulation
Fast Evaluation of Subdivision Surfaces on Direct3D 10 Graphics Hardware |
Improved Appearance Variety for Geometry Instancing |
Implementing Real-Time Mesh Simplification Using Programmable Geometry Pipeline on GPU |
Rendering Techniques
Care and Feeding of Normal Vectors |
Computing Per-Pixel Object Thickness in a Single Render Pass |
Parallax Occlusion Mapping Special Feature Rendering |
Uniform Cubemap for Dynamic Environments |
Isocube A Cubemap with Uniformly Distributed and Equally Important Texels |
Practical Geometry Clipmaps for Rendering Terrains in Computer Games |
Efficient and Practical TileTrees |
Image Space
GPU-Based Active Contours for Real-Time Object Tracking |
Post-Tonemapping Resolve for High Quality HDR Antialiasing in D3D10 |
A Fast, Small-Radius GPU Median Filter |
Per-pixel Motion Blur for Wheels |
Deferred Rendering using a Stencil Routed K-Buffer |
HDR Meets Black & White 2 |
Robust Order-Independent Transparency via Reverse Depth Peeling in DirectX 10 |
Stable Rendering of Cascaded Shadow maps |
Approximate Cumulative Distribution Function Shadow Mapping |
Rendering Filtered Shadows with Exponential Shadow Maps |
Fitted Virtual Shadow Maps and Shadow Fog |
Removing Shadow Volume Artifacts by Spatial Adjustment |
Environmental Effects
Rendering Realistic Ice Objects |
Sunlight with Volumetric Light Rays |
Global Illumination Effects
Practical Methods for a PRT-based Shader Using Spherical Harmonics |
Incremental Instant Radiosity |
 |  |
Hannu Saransaari, Samuli Laine, Janne Kontkanen, Jaakko Lehtinen and Timo Aila ShaderX6, 2008. |
Real Time Photon Mapping Approximation on the GPU |
Interactive Global Illumination with Precomputed Radiance Maps |
Handheld Devices
Shaders Gone Mobile Porting from Direct3D 9.0 to Open GL ES 2.0 |
Efficiently Using Tile-Based GPUs on Mobile Phones |
Maximal Performance and Image Quality with Minimal Precision |
Implementing Graphical Benchmark in OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Every Cycle Counts Level of Detail Shaders |
Shadow Techniques for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
3D Engine Design
A Flexible Material System in Design |
3D Engine Tools with C++ CLI |
Efficient HDR Texture Compression |
Beyond Pixels and Triangles
An Interactive Tour of Voronoi Diagrams on the GPU |
AMD DirectX 10 Performance Tools and Techniques |
Real-Time Audio Processing on the GPU |
n-Body Simulations on the GPU |