ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques
48 Articles, Edited by Wolfgang Engel, 2006.
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Geometry Manipulation
Dynamic Wrinkle Patterns and Hatching on Animated Meshes |
Rendering Techniques
A Simple Area Light Model for GPUs |
Alpha-to-Coverage in Depth |
Practical Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Approximate Soft Shadows for Detailed Surface Rendering |
Preprocessing of Complex, Static Scenes for Fast Real-time Graphics |
Overcoming Deferred Shading Drawbacks |
Normal Mapping without Precomputed Tangents |
Animating Vegetation Using GPU Programs |
Image Space
Real-time Depth-of-Field Implemented with a Postprocessing-Only Technique |
Jump Flooding: An Efficient and Effective Communication Pattern for Use on GPUs |
Multisampling Extension for Gradient Shadow Maps |
Alias-Free Hard Shadows with Geometry Maps |
Edge Masking and Per-Texel Depth Extent Propagation For Computation Culling During Shadow Mapping |
Queried Virtual Shadow Maps |
Real-time Soft Shadows with Shadow Accumulation |
Environmental Effects
Spherical Billboards for Rendering Volumetric Data |
Per-Pixel Lit, Light Scattering Smoke |
Volumetric Clouds and Mega-Particles |
Rendering Multiple Layers of Rain with a Postprocessing Composite Effect |
Animation and Rendering of Underwater God Rays |
Global Illumination Effects
Irradiance Volumes for Real-time Rendering |
Indirect Diffuse and Glossy Illumination on the GPU |
Interactive Refractions and Caustics Using Image-Space Techniques |
Splatting of Diffuse and Glossy Indirect Illumination |
Mobile Devices Section
OpenGL ES 2.0: Shaders for Mobile Devices |
Developing a 3D Engine for OpenGL ES v2.0 and OpenGL v2.0 |
OpenGL ES 2.0 Performance Recommendations for Mobile Devices |
Real-time Tile-Based Texture Synthesis Using Nonregular Grids |
Cartoon Fire Effects Using OpenGL ES 2.0 |
3D Engine Design
Postprocessing Effects in Design |
Transparent Shader Data Binding |
Designing Plug-in Shaders with HLSL |
Shader System Integration: Nebula2 and 3ds Max |
Beyond Pixels and Triangles
Large Crowds of Autonomous Animated Characters Using Fragment Shaders and Level of Detail |
Interactive Image Segmentation Based on GPU Cellular Automata |
Real-time Cellular Texturing |
Collision Detection Shader Using Cube-Maps |
A GPU Panorama Viewer for Generic Camera Models |
Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation |
Storing and Accessing Topology on the GPU: A Case Study on Mass-Spring Systems |
Implementing High-Quality PRNG on GPUs |
Print Shader for Debugging Pixel Shaders |