Game Programming Gems 5
62 Articles, Edited by Kim Pallister, 2005.
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Section 1: General Programming
Context-Sensitive HUDs for Editors |
Parsing Text Data in Games |
Component Based Object Management |
Using Templates for Reflection in C++ |
Sphere Trees for Speedy BSPs |
Large-Scale Stack-Based State Machines |
CSG Construction Using BSP Trees |
Improving Freelists with Policy Based Design |
A Real-Time Remote Debug Message Logger |
A Transparent Class Saving and Loading Trick |
An Effective Cache-Oblivious Implementation of the ABT Tree |
Visual Design of State Machines |
A Generic Component Library |
Choose Your Path - A Menu System |
Section 2: Mathematics
Using Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics |
Minimal Acceleration Hermite Curves |
Spline-Based Time Control for Animation |
Faster Quaternion Interpolation Using Approximations |
Minimax Numerical Approximation |
Oblique View Frustums for Mirrors and Portals |
Section 3: Artificial Intelligence
Automatic Cover Finding with Navigation Meshes |
Fast Target Ranking Using an Artificial Potential Field |
Using Lanchester Attrition Models to Predict the Results of Combat |
Implementing Practical Planning for Game AI |
Optimizing a Decision Tree Query Algorithm for Multithreaded Architectures |
Parallel AI Development with PVM |
Advanced Pathfinding with Minimal Replanning Cost: Dynamic A Star (D*) |
Section 4: Physics
Back of the Envelope Aerodynamics for Game Physics |
Dynamic Grass Simulation and Other Natural Effects |
Realistic Cloth Animation Using the Mass-Spring Method |
Practical Animation of Soft Bodies for Game Development: The Pressurized Soft-Body Model |
Adding Life to Ragdoll Simulation Using Feedback Control Systems |
Designing a Prescripted Physics System |
Prescripted Physics: Techniques and Applications |
Realistic Camera Movement in a 3D Car Simulator |
Section 5: Graphics
Realistic Cloud Rendering on Modern GPUs |
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow (and Rain) |
Widgets: Rendering Fast and Persistent Foliage |
2.5 Dimensional Impostors for Realistic Trees and Forrests |
Gridless Controllable Fire |
Powerful Explosion Effects Using Billboard Particles |
A Simple Method for Rendering Gemstones |
Volumetric Post-Processing |
Procedural Level Generation |
Section 6: Network and Multiplayer
Keeping a Massively Multiplayer Online Game Massive, Online, and Persistent |
Implementing a Seamless World Server |
Designing a Vulgarity Filtering System |
Fast and Efficient Implementation of a Remote Procedure Call System |
Overcoming Network Address Translation in Peer-to-Peer Communications |
A Reliable Messaging Protocol |
Safe Random Number Systems |
Section 7: Audio
Multithreaded Audio Programming Techniques |
Sound Management by Group |
Using 3D Surfaces as Audio Emitters |
Fast Environmental Reverb Based on Feedback Delay Networks |
Introduction to Single-Speaker Speech Recognition |