Graphics: Camera

A GPU Panorama Viewer for Generic Camera Models |
Realistic Camera Movement in a 3D Car Simulator |
Extracting Frustum and Camera Information |
Third-Person Camera Navigation |
An AI Approach to Creating an Intelligent Camera System |
Abstract: In this article, we will attempt to outline one method of implementing a camera system capable of handling a diverse and dynamic three-dimensional environment. We will detail the approaches taken during development of a to-be-released title, outlining the issues we encountered and how these were overcome.
A Modular Camera Architecture for Intelligent Control |
Abstract: Cameras play a vital role in the user experience of any game. A robust camera solution can make the difference between a game that is awkward to play and a game that plays smoothly and feels great. Unfortunately, cameras tend to be a low priority item in many game development schedules and the effort is limited to the point where the cameras stop being a nuisance. One of the reasons that the efforts stop early is the lack of a solid architecture that allows rapid, data driven experimentation with camera behaviors.
This article presents a component based camera architecture that allows non-programmers to take over the development of cameras at the point where they make the transition between technical coding and creative effort. The architecture will demonstrate the use of common AI techniques to enhance the robustness and creativity of the camera solution for any game. The techniques presented in the article will primarily benefit games that have a third-person perspective, but will also provide useful tips for other types of games.
Smooth C2 Quaternion-based Flythrough Paths |
Abstract: The vector camera is a generalized form of the matrix-based camera found in many traditional graphics engines. Matrices are often difficult to read due to the fact that they typically hold several operations concatenated together. The vector camera uses only simple vectors to describe its orientation to the overall graphics pipeline. This article describes the how to construct a vector camera and how to manipulate it.
Camera Control Techniques |
Abstract: This article outlines a few basic techniques that can be used to develop the proper camera model for your game. In addition to basics, a scripted camera traveling on various curves (B-Spline, Catmull-Rom spline) is also discussed along with issues such as zooming, dampening, and the use of quaternions.