Graphics: Shadows

Efficient Online Visibility for Shadow Maps |
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Oliver Mattausch, Jiri Bittner, Ari Silvnennoinen, Daniel Scherzer and Michael Wimmer GPU Pro 3, 2012. |
Depth Rejected Gobo Shadows |
Real-Time One-bounce Indirect Illumination and Indirect Shadows using Ray-Tracing |
Variance Shadow Maps Light-Bleeding Reduction Tricks |
Fast Soft Shadows via Adaptive Shadow Maps |
Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps |
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Marco Salvi, Kiril Vidimce, Andrew Lauritzen, Aaron Lefohn, Matt Pharr GPU Pro 2, 2011. |
Fast Soft Shadows with Temporal Coherence |
MipMapped Screen Space Soft Shadows |
Visualize Your Shadow Map Techniques |
Fast Conventional Shadow Filtering |
Hybrid Min/Max Plane-Based Shadow Maps |
Shadow Mapping for Omnidirectional Light Using Tetrahedron Mapping |
Screen Space Soft Shadows |
Practical Cascaded Shadow Maps |
A Hybrid Method for Interactive Shadows in Homogeneous Media |
Real-time Dynamic Shadows for Image-based Lighting |
Facetted Shadow Mapping for Large Dynamic Game Environments |
Stable Rendering of Cascaded Shadow maps |
Approximate Cumulative Distribution Function Shadow Mapping |
Rendering Filtered Shadows with Exponential Shadow Maps |
Fitted Virtual Shadow Maps and Shadow Fog |
Removing Shadow Volume Artifacts by Spatial Adjustment |
Shadow Techniques for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Summed-Area Variance Shadow Maps |
Parallel-Split Shadow Maps on Programmable GPUs |
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Fan Zhang, Hanqiu Sun (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Oskari Nyman (Helsinki University of Technology) GPU Gems 3, 2007. |
Efficient and Robust Shadow Volumes Using Hierarchical Occlusion Culling and Geometry Shaders |
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Martin Stich (Mental Images), Carsten W�chter, Alexander Keller (Ulm University) GPU Gems 3, 2007. |
Multisampling Extension for Gradient Shadow Maps |
Alias-Free Hard Shadows with Geometry Maps |
Edge Masking and Per-Texel Depth Extent Propagation For Computation Culling During Shadow Mapping |
Queried Virtual Shadow Maps |
Real-time Soft Shadows with Shadow Accumulation |
Practical Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Approximate Soft Shadows for Detailed Surface Rendering |
Eliminate Surface Acne with Gradient Shadow Mapping |
Real-Time Soft Shadows Using the PDSM Technique |
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Jean-Fran�ois St. Amour, Eric Paquette, Pierre Poulin, Philippe Beaudoin ShaderX4, 2006. |
Robust Shadow Mapping with Light-Space Perspective Shadow Maps |
Making Shadow Buffers Robust Using Multiple Dynamic Frustums |
Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting |
Efficient Soft-Edged Shadows Using Pixel Shader Branching |
Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows |
Efficient Shadow Volume Rendering |
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Michael Bunnell (NVIDIA) and Fabio Pellacini (Pixar Animation Studios) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Omnidirectional Shadow Mapping |
Generating Soft Shadows Using Occlusion Interval Maps |
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William Donnelly (University of Waterloo) and Joe Demers (NVIDIA) GPU Gems, 2004. |
Perspective Shadow Maps: Care and Feeding |
Managing Visibility for Per-Pixel Lighting |
Parallax Occlusion Mapping: Self-Shadowing, Perspective-Correct Bump Mapping Using Reverse Height Map Tracing |
Fractional-Disk Soft Shadows |
Fake Soft Shadows Using Precomputed Visibility Distance Functions |
Efficient Omnidirectional Shadow Maps |
Light Shafts: Rendering Shadows in Participating Media |
GPU Gems Showcase: Perspective Shadow Mapping (GPU Gems) |
GPU Gems Showcase: Ambient Occlusion (GPU Gems) |
A Modified Phong-Blinn Light Model for Shadowed Areas |
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Tony Barrera (Barrera Kristiansen AB), Anders Hast (Creative Media Lab, University of G�vle), and Ewert Bengtsson (Center for Image Analysis, Uppsala University) Graphics Programming Methods, 2003. |
GPU Shadow Volume Construction for Nonclosed Meshes |
GPU Shadow Volume Construction for Nonclosed Meshes |
Combined Depth and ID-Based Shadow Buffers |
Carving Static Shadows into Geometry |
Adjusting Real-Time Lighting for Shadow Volumes and Optimized Meshes |
Shadow Mapping with Direct3D 9 |
The Theory of Stencil Shadow Volumes |
Reverse Extruded Shadow Volumes |
Computing Optimized Shadow Volumes for Complex Data Sets |
Abstract: In this article, we describe a method for computing the exact front cap geometry visible from a given static light source. This is the exact geometry that is visible from the light's point of view, and it is useful for calculating shadow volumes. Previous work has been done on this topic; however, most methods suffer from either infinte recursion (with complex polygonal models) or fail to solve for cyclically overlapping polygons. The method presented here also works for scenes that have intersecting polygons.
Shadow Volume Extrusion using a Vertex Shader |
Self-Shadowing Characters |
Abstract: This article presents a projective texture approach, which enables self-shadowing of convex subsections of characters in real time. After breaking the character into convex subsections, the subsections are rendered into a texture with varying alpha values from teh point of view of the light source. When the character is rendered from the viewer's point-of-view, this texture is projected back onto the convex subsegments of the character, simulating the occlusion of each subsegment with respect to the light source. Being map based rather than stencil-volume based, this technique requires no additional work to be compatible with higher-order surface tessellation techniques.
Practical Priority Buffer Shadows |
Abstract: This article presents a set of techniques to improve the utility of "priority buffers". Along the way, we will explore other shadow techniques, and close by discussing how to create useful hybrid techniques.
Real-Time Shadows on Complex Objects |