Graphics: Lighting

Ray-traced Approximate Reflections Using a Grid of Oriented Splats |
Screen-space Bent Cones: A Practical Approach |
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Oliver Klehm, Tobias Ritschel, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel GPU Pro 3, 2012. |
Real-time Near-Field Global Illumination based on a Voxel Model |
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Sinje Thiedemann, Niklas Henrich, Thorsten Grosch, Stefan Mueller GPU Pro 3, 2012. |
Temporal Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion |
Level-of-Detail and Streaming Optimized Irradiance Normal Mapping |
Real-Time One-bounce Indirect Illumination and Indirect Shadows using Ray-Tracing |
Real-Time Approximation of Light Transport in Translucent Homogenous Media |
Real-time diffuse Global Illumination with Temporally Coherent Light Propagation Volumes |
Fast, Stencil-Based Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination |
Screen-Space Directional Occlusion |
Real-Time Multi-Bounce Ray-Tracing with Geometry Impostors |
Real-Time Screen Space Cloud Lighting |
Environment Mapping with Floyd-Steinberg Halftoning |
Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering |
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion |
Image-Space Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion |
Deferred Occlusion from Analytic Surfaces |
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Jeremy Shopf, Joshua Barczak, Thorsten Scheuermann, Christopher Oat ShaderX7, 2009. |
Fast Fake Global Illumination |
Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps |
Instant Radiosity with GPU Photon Tracing and Approximate Indirect Shadows |
Variance Methods for Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion |
Per-Pixel Ambient Occlusion using Geometry Shaders |
Designing a Renderer for Multiple Lights - The Light Pre-Pass Renderer |
Using LUV color space with the Light Pre-Pass Renderer |
Practical Methods for a PRT-based Shader Using Spherical Harmonics |
Incremental Instant Radiosity |
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Hannu Saransaari, Samuli Laine, Janne Kontkanen, Jaakko Lehtinen and Timo Aila ShaderX6, 2008. |
Real Time Photon Mapping Approximation on the GPU |
Interactive Global Illumination with Precomputed Radiance Maps |
Interactive Cinematic Relighting with Global Illumination |
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Fabio Pellacini (Dartmouth College), Milos Hasan, Kavita Bala (Cornell University) GPU Gems 3, 2007. |
High-Quality Ambient Occlusion |
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Jared Hoberock, Yuntao Jia (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) GPU Gems 3, 2007. |
Volumetric Light Scattering as a Post-Process |
A Simple Area Light Model for GPUs |
Irradiance Volumes for Real-time Rendering |
Indirect Diffuse and Glossy Illumination on the GPU |
Interactive Refractions and Caustics Using Image-Space Techniques |
Splatting of Diffuse and Glossy Indirect Illumination |
Fast Per-Pixel Lighting with Many Lights |
Hardware-Based Ambient Occlusion |
Dynamic Global Illumination Using Tetrahedron Environment Mapping |
Dynamic Glossy Environment Reflections Using Summed-Area Tables |
Real-Time Environment Mapping with Equal Solid-Angle Spherical Quad-Map |
Real-Time Obscurances with Color Bleeding |
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Alex M�ndez-Feliu, Mateu Sbert, Jordi Cat? Nicolau Sunyer, and Sergi Funtan?br>ShaderX4, 2006. |
I3: Interactive Indirect Illumination |
Motion Blurring Environment Maps |
Implementing Radiosity for a Light Map Precomputation Tool |
Real-Time Computation of Dynamic Irradiance Environment Maps |
Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting |
Accurate Atmospheric Scattering |
High-Quality Global Illumination Rendering Using Rasterization |
Global Illumination using Progressive Refinement Radiosity |
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Greg Coombe (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Mark Harris (NVIDIA Corporation) GPU Gems 2, 2005. |
Irradiance Volumes for Games |
Managing Visibility for Per-Pixel Lighting |
Dynamic Gamma Using Sampled Scene Luminance |
Deferred Lighting on PS 3.0 with High Dynamic Range |
Reduction of Lighting Calculations Using Spherical Harmonics |
Lighting Precomputation Using the Relighting Map |
Adding Spherical Harmonic Lighting to the Sushi Engine |
Light Shafts: Rendering Shadows in Participating Media |
GPU Gems Showcase: Image-Based Lighting (GPU Gems) |
Advanced lighting and shading with Direct3D 9 |
Introduction to Different Fog Effects |
Hemisphere Lighting With Radiosity Maps |
Fragment Level Phong Illumination |
Efficient Evaluation of Irradiance Environment Maps |
Practical Precomputed Radiance Transfer |
Deferred Shading with Multiple Render Targets |
Simulation of Iridescence and Translucency on Thin Surfaces |
A Modified Phong-Blinn Light Model for Shadowed Areas |
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Tony Barrera (Barrera Kristiansen AB), Anders Hast (Creative Media Lab, University of G�vle), and Ewert Bengtsson (Center for Image Analysis, Uppsala University) Graphics Programming Methods, 2003. |
Stochastic Iteration for Nondiffuse Global Illumination |
Metropolis Sampling in Random Walk Global Illumination Algorithms |
Real-Time Light-Atmosphere Interactions for Outdoor Scenes |
Real-Time Relighting of Compressed Panoramas |
Abstract: Surface patches are a memory-efficient way of creating smooth surfaces that can be rendered at many levels of detail. However, having a smooth surface is not as useful if you cannot light it properly. For that, you need the normal vector at each vertex. This article describes how to treat the normal at each control point as a second control mesh, thus quickly approximating the correct surface normal. Although the results are not strictly correct, they can produce superior results by eliminating shading errors due to curve discontinuity introduced during skinning.
Methods for Dynamic, Photorealistic Terrain Lighting |
Abstract: This article will present several methods for producing high-quality, physically based lighting solutions for terrain under dynamic lighting conditions. Topics include: Sunlight (Horizon Angles, Shadow Ellipses, and PTMs), Skylight (Radiosity Approximations and Patches), Animated Cloud Shadows, Video-Based Solutions, and Nonterrain Objects.
Cube Map Lighting Techniques |
Abstract: This article will describe some ways to encode different lighting conditions as well as other properties within cube maps. It will give a brief overview of the properties of cube maps and how to index into them. Topics include: Physical Properties of Cube Maps, Getting data to/from a Cube Map, Rendering with the Cube Map, Encoding Cloud Cover, Encoding Lights in a Cube Map, Encoding Diffuse Lighting in a Cube Map, and Encoding a Day/Night Cycle into a Cube Map.
Textures as Lookup Tables for Per-Pixel Lighting Computations |
Abstract: In this article, we show ways to use texture maps as a means to solve functions through a lookup table, focusing on lighting computations. This technique saves precious pixel shader instructions, and in many cases, it is the only way to make certain per-pixel effects possible on the current generation of hardware.
Lighting A Single-Surface Object |
Smooth Lighting with ps.1.4 |
Per-pixel Strand Based Anisotropic Lighting |
Bump Mapped BRDF Rendering |
Rendering Outdoor Light Scattering in Real Time |
Dynamic Per-Pixel Lighting Techniques |
Abstract: This article presents several techniques that can be used to perform dynamic lighting effects on a per-pixel basis. These methods have the advantage that they don't require highly tessellated geometry, and can often be performed at little performance cost on multitexturing graphics hardware.
Motif-Based Static Lighting |
Simulated Real-Time Lighting Using Vertex Color Interpolation |