Graphics: Surfaces

Vertex Shader Tesselation |
Real-time Deformable Terrain Rendering |
Optimized Stadium Crowd Rendering |
Geometric Anti-Aliasing Methods |
Practical Binary Surface and Solid Voxelization with Direct3D 11 |
As Simple as Possible Tessellation for Interactive Applications |
Rule-Based Geometry Synthesis in Real-Time |
GPU-Based NURBS Geometry Evaluation and Rendering |
Polygonal-Functional Hybrids for Computer Animation and Games |
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D. Kravtsov, O. Fryazinov, V. Adzhiev, A. Pasko, and P. Comninos GPU Pro, 2010. |
Scalar to Polygonal Extracting Isosurfaces Using Geometry Shaders |
Fast Tessellation of Quadrilateral Patches for Dynamic Level of Details |
Dynamic Terrain Rendering on GPU Using Real-Time Tessellation |
Adaptive Re-Meshing for Displacement Mapping |
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Rafael P. Torchelsen, Carlos A. Dietrich, Lu�s Fernando, M. S. Silva, Rui Bastos, and Jo�o L. D. Comba ShaderX7, 2009. |
Fast Tessellation of Quadrilateral Patches for Dynamic Level of Details |
Fast Evaluation of Subdivision Surfaces on Direct3D 10 Graphics Hardware |
Improved Appearance Variety for Geometry Instancing |
Implementing Real-Time Mesh Simplification Using Programmable Geometry Pipeline on GPU |
Generic Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
Point-Based Visualization of Metaballs on a GPU |
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Kees van Kooten, Gino van den Bergen (Playlogic Game Factory), Alex Telea (Eindhoven University of Technology) GPU Gems 3, 2007. |
Dynamic Wrinkle Patterns and Hatching on Animated Meshes |
Rendering Surface Details in Games with Relief Mapping Using a Minimally Invasive Approach |
Real-Time Rendering and Simulation of the Airbrush Medium for Metallic Appearance |
Dynamic Glossy Environment Reflections Using Summed-Area Tables |
Dot-Product for Efficient Detail Texture Mapping |
Real-Time Environment Mapping with Equal Solid-Angle Spherical Quad-Map |
Rendering Road Signs Sharply |
Dynamic Image-Space Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping with Silhouette Antialiasing via Parallax Occlusion Mapping |
An Easy-to-Code Smoothing Algorithm for 3D Reconstructed Surfaces |
Higher-Order Surfaces Using Curved Point-Normal (PN) Triangles |
Subdivision Surfaces for Character Animation |
Abstract: This article introduces subdivision surfaces as a means of improving the appearance of game characters. First, we will present the different schemes available, focusing on two implementations of subdivision surfaces. Then, we will explore a number of optimization methods based on culling and preprocessing.
Curvature Simulation Using Normal Maps |
Abstract: This article explains how to perturb the normals on a surface to simulate the curvature of a denser model by using bump mapping. We will enhance the visual quality without losing speed or having to abandon more traditional ways of adding detail.
Applying Decals to Arbitrary Surfaces |
Abstract: This article presents a general method for applying a decal to an arbitrarily shaped surface and concurrently clipping the decal to the surface's boundary.