Mathematics: Geometry

CSG Construction Using BSP Trees |
Using Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics |
Automatic Parameterizations on the Cube |
k-D Tree Face Portals with Solid Geometry |
Using Vector Fractions for Exact Geometry |
T-Junction Elimination and Retriangulation |
Abstract: This article describes how to detect possible sources of these seams in complex 3D scenes and how to modify static geometry so that visible artifacts are avoided. Since T-junction elimination adds verticies to existing polygons (that are not necessarily convex), we also discuss a method for triangulating arbitrary concave polygons.
Computing the Distance into a Sector |
Abstract: This article describes a simple and fast algorithm for determining where a point is between the edges of a 2D quad (or sector). The result is a unit floating point number, where 0 indicates that the point lies on the leading edge, and where 1 indicates that the point lies on the opposite edge. The sector may be any four-sided, 2D convex shape.