Audio Programming: All Articles

Real-Time Sound Generation from Deformable Meshes |
A Lightweight Generator for Real-Time Sound Effects |
Faking Real-Time DSP Effects |
Multithreaded Audio Programming Techniques |
Sound Management by Group |
Using 3D Surfaces as Audio Emitters |
Fast Environmental Reverb Based on Feedback Delay Networks |
Introduction to Single-Speaker Speech Recognition |
A Brief Introduction to OpenAL |
A Simple Real-Time Lip-Synching System |
Dynamic Variables and Audio Programming |
Creating an Audio Scripting System |
Implementing an Environmental Audio Solution Using EAX and ZoomFX |
Controlling Real-Time Sound Synthesis from Game Physics |
Audio Compression with Ogg Vorbis |
Creating a Compelling 3D Audio Environment |
Obstruction Using Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes |
Using the Biquad Resonant Filter |
Linear Predictive Coding for Voice Compression and Effects |
The Stochastic Synthesis of Complex Sounds |
Real-Time Modular Audio Processing for Games |
Game Audio Design Patterns |
A Technique to Instantaneously Reuse Voices in a Sample-based Synthesizer |
Software-based DSP Effects |
Interactive Processing Pipeline for Digital Audio |
A Basic Music Sequencer for Games |
An Interactive Music Sequencer for Games |