Networking: All Articles

Dynamically Adaptive Streaming of 3D Data for Animated Characters |
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Thomas Di Giacomo, HyungSeok Kim, Stephane Garchery, and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (MIRALab, C.U.I, University of Geneva), and Chris Joslin (School of Information Technology, Carleton University) Game Programming Gems 6, 2006. |
Complex Systems Based High-Level Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Games |
Generating Globally Unique Identifiers for Game Objects |
Massively Multiplayer Online Prototype Utilizing Second Life for Game Concept Prototyping |
Reliable Peer-to-Peer Gaming Connections Penetrating NAT |
Automated Testing for Online Games |
Massively Multiplayer Scripting Systems |
Real-World MMO Object Sharing |
MMP Server Cluster Architecture |
Massively Multiplayer Games Using a Distributed Services Approach |
Metrics Collection and Analysis |
Delta-Compression for Heterogeneous Data Transfer |
Architecture and Techniques for an MMORTS |
Animated Procedural Skies |
Time and Event Synchronization Across an MMP Server Farm |
Anti-Cheat Mechanisms for Massively Multiplayer Games |
The Quest for Holy Scale-Part 1: Large-Scale Computing |
The Quest for Holy Scale-Part 2: P2P Continuum |
Optimization Techniques for Rendering Massive Quantities of Mesh Deformed Characters in Real-Time |
Keeping a Massively Multiplayer Online Game Massive, Online, and Persistent |
Implementing a Seamless World Server |
Designing a Vulgarity Filtering System |
Fast and Efficient Implementation of a Remote Procedure Call System |
Overcoming Network Address Translation in Peer-to-Peer Communications |
A Reliable Messaging Protocol |
Safe Random Number Systems |
General Lobby Design and Development |
Thousands of Clients per Server |
Efficient MMP Game State Storage |
Practical Application of Parallel-State Machines in a Client-Server Environment |
Bit Packing: A Network Compression Technique |
Time and Consistency Management for Multiserver-Based MMORPGs |
Building a Massively Multiplayer Game Simulation Framework, Part 1: Structural Modeling |
Building a Massively Multiplayer Game Simulation Framework, Part 2: Behavioral Modeling |
Creating a �Safe Sandbox?for Game Scripting |
Unit Testing for Massively Multiplayer Games |
Using the Twisted Framework for MMP Service Integration |
Beyond 2: An Open-Source Platform for Virtual Worlds |
Parallel-State Machines for Believable Characters |
Observer/Observable Design Pattern for MMP Game Architectures |
Seamless Servers: The Case For and Against |
Server-Side Object Refresh Rates |
MMP Server Development and Maintenance |
Small Portals: Tapping into MMP Worlds via Wireless Devices |
Precise Game Event Broadcasting with Python |
Considerations for Movement and Physics in MMP Games |
Minimizing Latency in Real-Time Stategy Games |
Real-Time Strategy Network Protocol |
A Flexible Simulation Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Games |
Scaling Multiplayer Servers |
Template-Based Object Serialization |
A Network Monitoring and Simulation Tool |
Creating Multiplayer Games with DirectPlay 8.1 |
Wireless Gaming Using the Java Micro Edition |
A Network Protocol for Online Games |