General Programming: C++ and Languages

Using STL and Patterns for Game AI |  |
Abstract: Game AI programmers are notorious for reinventing the wheel. But many of the data structures, algorithms and architectures they need have already been done in flexible and reusable ways. This article is intended to serve as a reference for a variety of patterns. While entire volumes have been written to discuss the STL and design patterns in general, this article will provide an introductory overview of the STL and inspect those specific design patterns that have proven the most useful in game AI development. We need to talk about the STL because it provides a series of pre-defined data structures that will not only make life simpler, but which take much of the burden of nuts and bolts implementation away and allow the AI developer to focus on what's really interesting anywaythe AI.
Using Templates for Reflection in C++ |
The Beauty of Weak References and Null Objects |
Finding Redeeming Value in C-Style Macros |
Handle-Based Smart Pointers |
Floating-Point Exception Handling |
Optimization for C++ Games |
Inline Functions Versus Macros |
Programming with Abstract Interfaces |
Exporting C++ Classes from DLLs |
Protect Yourself from DLL Hell and Missing OS Functions |
A Property Class for Generic C++ Member Access |
Adding Deprecation Facilities to C++ |
Object-Oriented Programming and Design Techniques |
Fast Math Using Template Metaprogramming |
An Automatic Singleton Utility |
Using the STL in Game Programming |
A Generic Function-Binding Interface |
Squeezing More Out of Assert |