Artificial Intelligence: A* Pathfinding

Advanced Pathfinding with Minimal Replanning Cost: Dynamic A Star (D*) |
Basic A* Pathfinding Made Simple |
Pathfinding Design Architecture |
How to Achieve Lightning Fast A* |
Practical Optimizations for A* Path Generation |
Abstract: The A* algorithm is probably the most widely used path algorithm in games, but in its pure form, A* can use a great deal of memory and take a long time to execute. While most optimizations deal with improving the estimate heuristic or with storing and searching the open and closed lists more efficiently, this article examines methods of restricting A* to make it faster and more responsive to changing map conditions. Such A* restrictions take the form of artificially constricting the search space, using partial solutions, or short-circuiting the algorithm altogether. For each restriction, the situations in which these optimizations will prove most useful are discussed.
Tactical Path-Finding with A* |
The Basics of A* for Path Planning |
A* Aesthetic Optimizations |